Dear Doctor, Thank you for taking a few minutes of your time to respond to this survey about "Attitudes of dental professionals towards infection control post-COVID-19 Pandemic." Your participation will…
Selection of Research Question | Mindmap Each research project must have a primary question. The primary question, as well as any secondary or subsidiary questions, should be carefully selected,…
Sources of prosthodontic malpractice | MindMap Prosthodontic restoration accounts for about two thirds of most dentists' practice. This includes the delivery of crowns, fixed partial dentures (FPDs), and removable…
Not just a website - a growing dental community! is a privately operated dental website created in the lovely city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
These few months are very exciting and/or terrifying to many young dentists. Some have just graduated from dental schools, others are wrapping up their internships. Many have lots of things…
Introduction Antibiotics, along with analgesics, are the most commonly prescribed medications by dental practitioners. Antibiotics are considered a safe drug as they have no direct effect on the host, only…
Smile, a person’s ability to express a range of emotions with the structure and movement of the teeth and lips, can often determine how well a person can function in…
4 years ago, one of my mentors, Dr Paulo Kano, opened my eyes to a new amazing possibility for anterior restorations, the protocol that he calls the SKYN Concept. He…