Presentation is the act of introducing via speech and various additional means (for example with sharing computer screen or projecting some screen information) new information to an audience. Usually presentations…
Message from Editor-in-Chief | The Saudi Endodontic Journal It is with great pleasure that I introduce the inaugural issue of the Saudi Endodontic Journal (SEJ) to the endodontic community. It is…
The Newly Elected SDS Board Members The Saudi Dental Society has just announced the names of the Newly Elected Board Members for the period between 1434 and 1437 H (2013 - 2016).…
#SDSAM24 The hashtag says it all, this post is about the 24th Annual Meeting of The Saudi Dental Society. The annual meeting will be held between 28 - 30 January,…
In 1864, S.C. Barnum, a New York City dentist, introduced the rubber dam into dentistry. Use of the rubber dam ensures appropriate dryness of the teeth and improves the quality…
This application is a starter pack app includes of 50 questions organized into 10 categories from pharmacology to pediatric dentistry to periodontics. It helps you to test your overall knowledge…
Dental instruments are the tools that dental professionals use to provide dental treatment. They include tools to examine, manipulate, restore and remove teeth and surrounding oral structures. Standard instruments are…
Historically, dental extractions have been used to treat a variety of illnesses, as well as a method of torture to obtain forced confessions. Before the discovery of antibiotics, chronic tooth…