Impaction of maxillary and mandibular canines is a frequently encountered clinical problem, the treatment of which usually requires an interdisciplinary approach. Surgical exposure of the impacted tooth and the complex orthodontic mechanisms that are applied to align the tooth into the arch may lead to varying amounts of damage to the supporting structures of the tooth, not to mention the long treatment duration and the financial burden to the patient. (Ref.)
Our mindmap highlights the following points:
- Etiology
- Incidence
- Diagnosis of impacted canines
- Why it’s a problem?
- Complication after surgery
- Postoperative care
- Technique of Surgical treatment
To access the mindmap, click HERE
Mindmap was created by: Dr. Nejoud Al-Amri using mindmeister app.
Helpful links:
- SD Dental MindMapping Project, a Collaborative Work.
- List of our Dental MindMaps
- The MindMap Project
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